A good sling is an essential part of a fighting rifle. When the sling
is not in use, it shifts and stirs with the rifle, and generally gets in
the way. A piece of bicycle inner tube or rubber band slipped over the
receiver extension or stock is a field expedient and free solution,
though they do lack finesse, durability and the versatility offered by the Sling Keep B.
Keep B uses a 1" wide Nylon elastic, and an ITW Nexus GTLL Ladderloc
for quick adjustment. The additional width enables Sling Keep B to hold
chem lights, tourniquets, or bandages on the stock. As the
1" Nylon elastic webbing provides more elastic tension, a pull tab is
integrated on Sling Keep B to help pull the elastic webbing clear the
stock while items are being
tucked in.
IMPORTANT: ALWAYS KEEP SLING KEEP UNDER TENSION. A loose Sling Keep will unnecessarily move about.Unlike
rubber bands, Sling Keep B is tension adjustable by way of the ITW
Nexus Ladderloc. When placed on the stock, the flat 1" wide nylon
elastic webbing allows the charging handle to ride over it, and does not
interfere with the charging handle's operation. Also unlike rubber
bands that can deteriorate rapidly and break (unless they're UV
resistant) the 1" Nylon elastic is far more durable.